Quilling in AI

Recently, I’ve been generating “quilled” images using DALLE AI in Microsoft Designer. I’m sharing a sampling of that work. Below you will find the description of quilling from Bing Chat (GPT), as well as Bing’s comments on quilling using AI.

Select the < or > arrows below these images to navigate through 107 images. Tap or click an image to expand to see detail (and there is plenty of detail in fine quilling!)


Image 1 of 107

Quilling is an art form that involves the use of strips of paper that are rolled, shaped, and glued together to create decorative designs. Quilling can be used to make a variety of projects, such as cards, ornaments, jewelry, wall art, and more.

To quill, you need some basic tools and materials, such as quilling paper strips, a quilling tool (slotted or needle), glue, scissors, tweezers, and a work board. You can buy pre-cut paper strips or make your own by cutting paper into equal-sized strips. The width and length of the strips will affect the size and shape of your quilled coils.

Quilling involves coiling the paper strips around the quilling tool and then shaping them into different forms. There are many basic shapes that you can make with quilling, such as circles, teardrops, squares, triangles, hearts, etc. You can also combine these shapes to create more complex designs.

One of the challenges of quilling is to create realistic or abstract representations of objects or scenes with paper coils. For example, you can quill flowers, animals, landscapes, portraits, etc. You can also use different techniques to add texture, dimension, and color to your quilling.

One of the emerging trends in quilling is to use artificial intelligence (AI) to generate art in the style of quilling. AI is a branch of computer science that deals with creating machines or programs that can perform tasks that normally require human intelligence or creativity. AI can be used to analyze images and generate new ones based on certain rules or parameters.

However, generating AI art in the style of quilling is not an easy task. Quilling is a complex and intricate art form that requires a lot of skill and creativity. It is not clear whether AI can capture the essence and beauty of quilling without losing its uniqueness and originality. Moreover, some people may argue that AI art is not really art because it lacks human intention and emotion.

Therefore, generating AI art in the style of quilling is an interesting but controversial topic. It may open new possibilities for artistic expression and innovation, but it may also raise ethical and aesthetic questions about the role and value of human creativity and artistry.