
I’ve been immersed in AI and created this site for informational purposes and to share some of my artistic creations. I’ve been captivated by generative AI art, but somewhat leery of the output of AI chat/compose apps’ ability to return 100% factual information. I HAVE found these chat/compose apps to be extremely helpful in generating children’s stories and fantasies. 

I’ve posted a lot of my artistic work on Twitter (@barbbowman), most of which has been created with Microsoft Designer, which uses DALLE to produce mind blowing imagery. My children’s stories and music videos are posted on my YouTube channel (although some work will eventually be posted here as well).

Note that there are factual errors in content generated by ChatGPT products, and they certainly have made their way into my posts here. I annotate errors if I recognize them, but no promises. I am not verifying generated text content.

Barb Bowman

April, 2023