I’ve been completely immersed in the beauty of generative AI Art. I started experimenting with AI art using DALLE-2 back in November, 2022. Here’s an explanation of DALLE that was CREATED by AI via Bing ChatGPT compose, with accompanying images from the OpenAI DALLE lab site:

DALL·E is an AI system that can create realistic images and art from a description in natural language. It was developed by OpenAI, a research organization dedicated to creating artificial intelligence that benefits humanity. DALLE is based on GPT-3, a powerful language model that can generate coherent text from a given prompt. DALLE extends GPT-3’s capabilities by adding an image decoder that can produce pixel arrays from text embeddings. This means that DALLE can parse a text prompt and then respond not with words but with pictures.

DALLE can generate images that combine concepts, attributes, and styles in novel and surprising ways. For example, it can create an image of an armchair in the shape of an avocado, or a snail made of harp. It can also manipulate existing images by inpainting missing parts or outpainting beyond the original boundaries. DALLE can also generate multiple variations of the same prompt, showing different possible interpretations or perspectives.

DALLE is not only a creative tool, but also a way to understand how advanced AI systems see and understand our world. By exploring the strengths and limitations of DALLE’s image generation, we can learn more about the potential and challenges of natural language understanding and computer vision. DALLE also raises important questions about the ethical and social implications of AI-generated images, such as the risks of misuse, bias, or harm. OpenAI is committed to developing and deploying DALLE responsibly, with safety mitigations, content policies, and phased deployment based on learning.

If you want to try DALLE for yourself, you can visit OpenAI’s website and enter any text prompt you like. You can also follow OpenAI on Instagram to see some of the amazing images that DALLE has created. You might be surprised by what DALLE can do with just a few words.

Note from Barb: You might also want to try Bing Image Creator or join the waitlist for Microsoft Designer (now in Preview) as both apps utilize DALLE technology.